Friday, December 27, 2013

Maddy and Santa

Madeline Rose and Santa - 2013

At home before we left...ready to go!

The whole scene

Lunch with Mommy and Daddy afterwards!

Cookie Party!

Kid's Cut-Out Cookie Decorating Station

Saturday December 14, 2013 we held our annual Cookie Party!  We had a wonderful time and lots of friends were able to come by to eat cookies and celebrate the holiday season.  We also collected more than 2 bags of non-perishable food items to contribute to the local food bank.

The kids had fun decorating cut-out cookies (read here: LOTS OF SPRINKLES), eating cookies and other sugar-filled snacks, all while playing upstairs, downstairs and on Maddy's big blue bean bag chair (big hit). 

The adults had fun hanging out and catching up (and eating cookies, too!)

Maddy and the boys take over the family room

Anne Marie and Emily hanging with Maddy

Andrea, Melissa and Althea

Andy and Luella

Maddy and her buddy Kieran

That's a big hug!



Maddy's masterpiece

My little helper (pre-cookie party) - making Puffballs!

Monday, December 9, 2013

St. Nicholas Day

The night of Thursday, December 5 we told Madeline: "Tomorrow is St. Nicholas Day. You need to put out your shoe and you might get a surprise from St. Nick!" She did, and to her surprise the next morning, she found chocolate coins in her shoe!

Saturday, November 30, 2013


I was born in Taiwan and our family lived there until I was just over one year old. I have some traditional outfits that were mine (and some from Mila) and thought I should have Madeline model them before they are outgrown!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tumbling Class

Maddy started a Tumbling Class at our local community center a couple of weeks ago. Two of her classmates, Karina and Finley, are also in the class. The first week Maddy wasn't so sure of herself and needed some reassurance from Steve, but this week she found her confidence and ran, jumped, stretched, somersaulted and rolled like the best of 'em. Madeline loves hanging and jumping, so we figured this class would  be right up her alley! So far so good! As an added bonus, there's a playground at the community center too, so the kids can play together a little longer after class. Another bonus: it's only a mile from our home. With Maddy still working on potty training, that's a big plus!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Two and a Half!

Here are some of the things we love about you, Madeline Rose, our two and a half year old wonder:

- Bath time: wrapped up in a towel shouting that you are a "hotdog, lollipop, Halloween burrito!"
- "No nap today. Maybe tomorrow."
- Ka-blu-URP!
- Breaking out into a new song. (Bats are hanging)
- Laughing and laughing at the funny parts of "your songs" in the car ("I thought I heard a CHICKEN sneeze?!?!")
- Running, trying to beat Daddy to get the toothpaste (and when daddy says "you beat me!" saying "you beat me, too!")
- Making faces for Mommy at bedtime
- Obsessive about routines
- Best hugger ever
- It was an "askident"
- Making mommy and daddy laugh...a lot!
- Potty training
- Loving Dora (and candy)
- Always having a "friend" (stuffed animal or doll) waiting in the car
- Three friend limit tucked in under your blankets at bedtime 
- Singing itsy-bitsy spider, twinkle, twinkle little star and bats are hanging every night at bedtime
- "Let's think about it."
- Making Strawberry Soup for us in your play kitchen
- Using the "flip trick" to put on your jacket
- Your quest for independence (and strong will: "No, I do it!")
- Your kind spirit, wanting to "check in" if a friend is sad
- Still doing a "Beavis" on request- even expanding to a "Beavis hug"

We love you SO MUCH, Madeline Rose Faust!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Our little Giraffe
At least two months ago, I asked Maddy what she wanted to be for Halloween.  She immediately answered "GIRAFFE" and never once strayed from this idea.  This made preparation for the big holiday very easy and I do believe the costume was a success! 

On Saturday, October 26, 2013, we hosted a kid-centered Halloween party, complete with "Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin", "Splat-Spider Bullseye" and "Halloween Candy Egg/Spider Scavenger Hunt".  The scavenger hunt was a big hit and allowed for some running around for the kids (kid and parent approved!) in the back yard.  The Halloween candy eggs and plastic spiders weren't too hard to find, so kids Maddy's age on up enjoyed the quick but active hunt.  Costumes were encouraged for all, and we had lots of great characters arrive - scary werewolves, princesses, a pirate, monkey and much more.  It was LOTS of fun!

On Halloween night we took Maddy trick or treating to a few neighborhood homes. She was quite shy at first, barely whispering "Trick or Treat", but by the last house she had found her voice.  Once we were home, she really enjoyed all the kids coming to OUR house to trick or treat.  Madeline shook with excitement, then ran to the door to see who (or what) was out there!  Only once did she get quite scared seeing a masked child at the door, so the boy's mom had him remove his mask so Maddy could see it was just a boy.  (Very kind in my opinion!)

We all had a great Halloween - lots of fun all around!!

Leopard-dog Daddy with Giraffe Maddy

Giraffe Maddy with Safari Guide Mommy

Happy for good weather for the party!

Post Scavenger Hunt

Andy and Monkey Luella

Madeline - sugar crash

The Rock Family

Megan, Eric and little Pea - Althea


Monday, October 28, 2013

Lantern Walk

Madeline's school, ChildRoots, holds four big events each year: Drum March (Spring), A Day at the Lake (Summer), Lantern Walk (Autumn) and Winter Fare (Winter). 

On Friday, October 25, 2013, we had the Lantern Walk! The children prepare for the Lantern Walk by decorating lanterns (Mason Jars) with paint, string and beads. At Maddy's age the decorating consists of painting the jars and she informed us that hers was blue! The children do not paint/decorate their own lanterns, rather they all decorate lanterns together and then they choose the lantern they want at the walk. 

Maddy's classmate Carson's mom (Malena) invited everyone in Maddy's class over to their home for dinner before the walk, as they live just a few blocks from Fernhill Park where the Lantern Walk is held. Malena made macaroni and cheese for all and it was nice to hang out with Maddy's classmates and the other parents. Maddy's teacher, Krystal, also joined us for dinner and the walk.

After dinner the kids put on their Halloween costumes and we trekked to the park.  The lanterns lay waiting at the track. Maddy and her friends picked out their lanterns and we headed to the path through the woods guided by luminaries (and some ChildRoots teachers).

Along the path, ChildRoots staff were posted at intervals, handing out treasures (such as a button, a leaf, decorated paper, a feather) placing them in the child's lantern (lit via LED light). Some teachers played instruments as well. It was a magical walk in the dark, something the children rarely get to do! At the end of the trek, fire dancers put on a show that mesmerized the sleepy little ones. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


Dora Underwear!!!
Yesterday (October 10, 2013) Madeline's teacher Krystal sent me a message letting me know that Madeline saw a pair of Dora underwear in the "Lost and Found" (note here: the Toddler specialist and Madeline's classroom teachers put together a "Lost and Found" box filled with extra underwear - clean of course - to have on hand during the potty training phase) and DEMANDED to wear them.  Threw a little temper tantrum, in fact.  And so it begins!!  We are THRILLED that Maddy is showing interest in underwear.  If I would have known the effect Dora underwear would have, I'd have bought some awhile ago...but really, there's no rush.  And this phase is going to be interesting - lots of "do you have to go potty? or poop?" and accidents will happen, I know.  Today I took Maddy to a public restroom at the grocery store for the first time.  Luckily she didn't really have to go, because I was NOT the quickest on the draw since I insisted on covering that toilet seat well before setting my little one on top.  She was so proud at the store...she picked out her own Dora underwear and she is very excited to wear them. Hooray! Wish us luck!

Bella Organic Farm: October 6, 2013

In the Pumpkin Patch
For quite some time now I have wanted to visit a farm during autumn to enjoy the festivities and I finally got my chance!  It was all I'd hoped for, and more. The weather was beautiful and Madeline, Steve and I took full advantage of everything Bella Organic Farm had to offer.  We went on the Cow Train, the Grain Train and checked out the Hay Maze.  We had snacks, and even had a beer (well, Steve and I did) with our friends Eric and Melissa and their family.  I went into the big corn maze but unfortunately did not have time to venture far, as Maddy's nap time was approaching.  I'll need to do that next time.  So much fun - I definitely want to do it again!

Hay Maze

On a hay ride!

On the Grain Train

You guessed it: The Cow Train

I love the cow train!
The Fausts and the G's

Melissa, Eric and Althea