Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Two and a Half!

Here are some of the things we love about you, Madeline Rose, our two and a half year old wonder:

- Bath time: wrapped up in a towel shouting that you are a "hotdog, lollipop, Halloween burrito!"
- "No nap today. Maybe tomorrow."
- Ka-blu-URP!
- Breaking out into a new song. (Bats are hanging)
- Laughing and laughing at the funny parts of "your songs" in the car ("I thought I heard a CHICKEN sneeze?!?!")
- Running, trying to beat Daddy to get the toothpaste (and when daddy says "you beat me!" saying "you beat me, too!")
- Making faces for Mommy at bedtime
- Obsessive about routines
- Best hugger ever
- It was an "askident"
- Making mommy and daddy laugh...a lot!
- Potty training
- Loving Dora (and candy)
- Always having a "friend" (stuffed animal or doll) waiting in the car
- Three friend limit tucked in under your blankets at bedtime 
- Singing itsy-bitsy spider, twinkle, twinkle little star and bats are hanging every night at bedtime
- "Let's think about it."
- Making Strawberry Soup for us in your play kitchen
- Using the "flip trick" to put on your jacket
- Your quest for independence (and strong will: "No, I do it!")
- Your kind spirit, wanting to "check in" if a friend is sad
- Still doing a "Beavis" on request- even expanding to a "Beavis hug"

We love you SO MUCH, Madeline Rose Faust!!

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