Friday, December 27, 2013

Cookie Party!

Kid's Cut-Out Cookie Decorating Station

Saturday December 14, 2013 we held our annual Cookie Party!  We had a wonderful time and lots of friends were able to come by to eat cookies and celebrate the holiday season.  We also collected more than 2 bags of non-perishable food items to contribute to the local food bank.

The kids had fun decorating cut-out cookies (read here: LOTS OF SPRINKLES), eating cookies and other sugar-filled snacks, all while playing upstairs, downstairs and on Maddy's big blue bean bag chair (big hit). 

The adults had fun hanging out and catching up (and eating cookies, too!)

Maddy and the boys take over the family room

Anne Marie and Emily hanging with Maddy

Andrea, Melissa and Althea

Andy and Luella

Maddy and her buddy Kieran

That's a big hug!



Maddy's masterpiece

My little helper (pre-cookie party) - making Puffballs!

1 comment:

  1. As always, the cookie party was a hit! I especially love the pictures of your little cookie helper, and super hug between Maddy & Kieran :)
