Saturday, October 8, 2016

Summertime at ChildRoots

Southsider's Beach Day

As this was Maddy's last summer at ChildRoots it's time for a ChildRoots catch-up.  Maddy has grown by leaps and bounds and her love of reading amazes us.  She reads to her class at times and loves reading at home as well.  Her closest friends continue to be Carson and Karina, but she branches out and plays with other Southsiders as well.  It's hard to believe that this five year program is almost at an end.

During Maddy's last month at ChildRoots the kids put on plays.  Maddy's play was called "The World with Pears All Around"  Steve and I were there to watch the show, which was pretty funny. Maddy was shy and needed her teacher Thavy to introduce her, but once the play started, she got into it and played her role.  Pretty neat to see!


Maddy and Carson

Preparing for the Play
End of Play Dance Party (Of course!)

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