Friday, April 29, 2016

M.S. Walk 2016

Team Kenneya 2016

I am proud to say that Team Kenneya had another successful M.S. Walk this year! Our team was smaller this year as many friends were out of town, but we had the happy addition of Ray and Marcia Brown (Christy's parents, Luella's grandparents), Luella and dear friend Eric.  We enjoyed the pre-walk controlled chaos and camaraderie, then the motivating drum brigade leading the walk. 

At the beginning of the walk, team Kenneya was about $500 short of our $2,000 goal, so I started a Facebook campaign to hit that mark!  I posted real-time photos of our walk progress and asked for pledges along the way. With a final pledge from my sister-in-law Shelly, we hit our goal! 

A huge thank you to all of you: my friends, family and supporters, for making the 2016 M.S. Walk a success!

Finish Line!

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