Sunday, January 17, 2016

Preparing for Christmas and Cookie Party

Maddy Trimming the Tree

Our family spends Christmas in Minnesota with our extended family every other year.  This year we stayed in Portland which also meant we had a full fledged Christmas Tree to enjoy (the years we travel we refrain from getting a tree).  We had fun decorating together, and Maddy loved seeing the different decorations we've amassed over the years.  I think her favorite was a baby angel ornament that was Steve's. 

When the holiday decorations go up, it signals the arrival of our elfin holiday-time visitor, Simi Newmi (lovingly named by Maddy last year).  Maddy thoroughly enjoyed looking for Simi Newmi every morning when she woke up, and sure enough, he was always discovered in a different part of the house (after visiting Santa overnight to give a report on our family's behavior of course), sometimes getting into a bit of mischief.  Some of his escapades included: wrapping himself up in toilet paper, snatching our nutmeg (he was craving eggnog) and drawing stick figures on bananas with a sharpie.

We continued our tradition of hosting a Cookie Party, where I make cookies, eggnog with rum/brandy and hot buttered rum.  This year I didn't make quite as many cookies since the two weekends leading up to the cookie party we were out of town, but I don't think many people noticed.  We enjoyed the treats, kids used oodles of sprinkles to decorate Christmas cut-out cookies and we all had a good time catching up and discussing Christmas plans. 

I love the holiday season and the magic it brings for young and old, the lights, decorations and camaraderie.  Having a little one to share this with brings me so much joy!

Cookie Party 2016

Ladies at the Cookie Party

Kiddos downstairs playing/enjoying a movie

Wyatt and Wilson
Jon and Brett

Carolers at U.S. Bank Tower

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