Friday, June 26, 2015

May in Portland

May was a great month with many adventures, including the theater!  Steve, Maddy and I joined Angie, Joe and Olivia Rock for a lovely lunch followed by the Portland Children Theater's production of  Ramona Quimby.  Each of our families spent time reading Ramona books prior to the show, so we were all up to speed on the Quimby Family's shenanigans.  Even more fun is that the books (and play) are set in Portland, bringing the story closer to home.  It was a very fun day!

Added to this post are photos from Maddy's Four Year Old check up at the doctor's office and her check up at the dentist, waiting for Dr. Jon.  I'm so happy and proud to have a child who is just fine with doctor/dentist appointments, vaccinations and all - she amazes me every day. 

Also in May - Mother's Day.  I took a hiatus that weekend with the ladies to Edgefield where we wined, dined and spent hours in the soaking pool.  A lovely way to relax and take a break, then I rejoined my family on Sunday, where I was greeted by dear Maddy and Steve, with a Mother's Day card, gift certificate for a local spa and a Happy Mother's Day message/pictures on the bathroom mirror (drawn with window/mirror safe crayons, of course!)  A wonderful weekend!

Maddy and Olivia excited for Ramona Quimby
Maddy's Four Year Check-Up - all is well!

Waiting to see Dr. Jon, Maddy's dentist (and friend!)

Celebrating Mother's Day Weekend

Relaxing with the Ladies
Lovely Soaking Pool at Edgefield

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