Saturday, March 7, 2015

Theater, Music, Tumbling = Winter Fun!

We have been busy over the last couple of months! We went to a theater production of Skippyjon Jones, a play based on the Skippyjon Jones book series by Judy Schachner which Maddy very much enjoyed as a toddler. That was lots of fun and Maddy did well with the hour long production, staying pretty well focused and enjoying the show.  More theater to come in the future - hooray!  It helped that it was a very kid-focused show, complete with crafts before and after the show (seen below = making "Skippyjon Jones ears" with pipe cleaners, markers and construction paper). Fun for all of us!

We went to the Crystal Ballroom to celebrate the venue's 100 year anniversary.  They had a free all-day-most-of-the-night party that was quite kid-friendly during the day.  Maddy enjoyed the face painting and the balloon butterfly wings the best, and the music came in a close second.

Maddy has also been keeping busy with her tumbling class at the local community center. She loves running around, doing somersaults, pencil roles, balance beam walking, jumping (a lot), playing "freeze dance" and playing with the parachute.  Steve and I have fun participating (some) and watching her have lots of fun!

Making Skippyjon Ears
Skippyjon Maddy!
Kid friendly Rock at the Crystal Ballroom

Portland Seafood & Wine (and Face Painting!) Festival
Balance Beam Pro
Teacher Kelly helps with the bar

Playground at the Community Center
First Flowers (January)

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