Friday, March 20, 2015

Birthday Celebration at Rockaway Beach

Melissa and Steve - the new 40 year olds!

We had a great weekend at Rockaway Beach to celebrate the 40th birthdays of both Steve and Melissa.  The house was fantastic, right on the beach with an outdoor hot tub facing the ocean.  We had wonderful food the whole weekend through including Daynia's famous "Dump Dinner" which includes crab legs, scallops, shrimp, potatoes and corn.  Yum!  And a keg of beer kept our thirst quenched (oh and lots of juice boxes for the kiddos).  The weather was beautiful and sunny all weekend and the kids all enjoyed the sand and water.  It was a great way to celebrate more of our fold entering the next decade of life!

Playing with Bubbles

Maddy and Luella

Our House at the Beach

Daynia's Famous Dump Dinner

Bath Time! (aka de-sanding the kiddos)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Fun with Science

Maddy and I spent an evening learning about density using the awesome science kit from Uncle Jon, Aunt Amy, Benjamin and Gabi. Maddy added blue food coloring to a flask of water, then filled a test tube half full. She used a dropper to add oil, then shook it up and learned that the oil floats to the surface.

It was a fun evening for both of us!

Monday, March 9, 2015

First Hike of 2015

We chose Lacamas Park for our first family hike of 2015 (at the end of January...I'm a little behind on posts) and it was wonderful to get outside and enjoy nature. The trail was nice and Maddy walked/ran quite a bit before going into the carrier (which she loved). I only carried her a short distance and quickly realized she's getting too big for me. She's growing up- no longer the little pipsqueak I carried home from "school" in the baby bjorn every day.

At the end of the hike we hit the play structure, conveniently located next to the parking lot, then headed to Camas town center. We had a very yummy lunch at a small restaurant specializing in crepes/German food. After lunch we took a walk around town which of course meant I had to look in the cute little shops, where I found a great new pair of shoes for me, and some new clothes for Maddy. It certainly was a wonderful day, all around!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Theater, Music, Tumbling = Winter Fun!

We have been busy over the last couple of months! We went to a theater production of Skippyjon Jones, a play based on the Skippyjon Jones book series by Judy Schachner which Maddy very much enjoyed as a toddler. That was lots of fun and Maddy did well with the hour long production, staying pretty well focused and enjoying the show.  More theater to come in the future - hooray!  It helped that it was a very kid-focused show, complete with crafts before and after the show (seen below = making "Skippyjon Jones ears" with pipe cleaners, markers and construction paper). Fun for all of us!

We went to the Crystal Ballroom to celebrate the venue's 100 year anniversary.  They had a free all-day-most-of-the-night party that was quite kid-friendly during the day.  Maddy enjoyed the face painting and the balloon butterfly wings the best, and the music came in a close second.

Maddy has also been keeping busy with her tumbling class at the local community center. She loves running around, doing somersaults, pencil roles, balance beam walking, jumping (a lot), playing "freeze dance" and playing with the parachute.  Steve and I have fun participating (some) and watching her have lots of fun!

Making Skippyjon Ears
Skippyjon Maddy!
Kid friendly Rock at the Crystal Ballroom

Portland Seafood & Wine (and Face Painting!) Festival
Balance Beam Pro
Teacher Kelly helps with the bar

Playground at the Community Center
First Flowers (January)