Friday, September 13, 2013

Summertime Fun: August 2013

We have been enjoying our summer immensely so I'll use this blog as a smorgasbord of sorts to memorialize some of the highlights.

We've been working on our new house as we go, one step at a time.  Maddy has a new decal on her wall and she loves the stars.  We love them too!  She also has a new little table in the living room where she can color and put stickers all over her arms, legs and wherever else she can get them to stick.  

In August we made it to Sunset at the Zoo and saw Mr. Ben, whose songs are geared toward kids but remain adult-friendly too.  We brought a picnic dinner and had a very nice evening.


Maddy is so much fun!  Steve and I really try to enjoy every stage she's in, but I could never have imagined how much joy an almost 2 1/2 year old can be.  She's very imaginative and LOVES to pretend with her kitchen and her "friends" (stuffed animals).  Madeline makes us "Strawberry Soup".

Mommy (left) and Daddy (right) Bunny
"I like to hang A LOT"
The Static Slide
 Our dear friends Eric and Melissa Gregorich welcomed their daughter, Althea Grace to this world on August 21, 2013,  a bit earlier than expected.  She's doing well and growing strong!  We love her to pieces already and look forward to sharing many adventures with her and her wonderful family.

Althea Grace Gregorich

Me holding little Althea

Our friends Jeff and Andrea were married August 24, 2013 and Steve was one of the groomsmen.  Maddy's little buddy Luella came to our house and Mandy and Jay watched both Maddy and Luella for the evening so that Christy, Andy, Steve and I could attend the wedding and festivities thereafter.  Thank you Mandy and Jay!

Maddy and Luella

Congratulations Andrea and Jeff!
Me and Steve at Peninsula Park
Steve, Brendan and Eric


The next day we celebrated Riley's birthday at Wilson Pool, one of the best pools in the area.  There's a big pool just for little kiddos so it's lots of fun for Maddy and for us.  We had a great time!

Wilson & Riley
Love the party favors!

Maddy finally tried her glasses on at home!

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