Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mommy/daughter weekend

This past weekend, Steve went on his "Dudes Backpacking Trip.". Our friend, Andy Madigan, flew in from Minneapolis to join the crew, and they headed out to the Mount St. Helen's area on Friday for a weekend of camping, hiking and camaraderie.  This gave me and Little Miss Maddy lots of bonding time.  : ) 

Friday night was pretty laid back, but we did eat dinner outside on the patio, which is always a special treat.  There were a few "I miss Daddy!" and "I want Daddy!" outbursts but it was to be expected. The girl loves her daddy!

Saturday morning we headed to the local library, both very excited for Story Time! Much to our dismay, Story Time was on break for 2 weeks. We still enjoyed our time there, playing with toys and puzzles and picking out new books! 

We headed home and very soon thereafter, Christy and Luella came over for a play date! Andy was backpacking as well, so it was girl's weekend all around.  We played ball in the family room and had a fun time together.

And then it was nap time for Maddy which has turned into a struggle at the Faust House....I can get Maddy to lay down but once I leave there is no guaranty she'll stay in bed. She has the habit now of getting up, grabbing a book and "reading" in bed. I suppose there could be worse things, but Maddy's afternoon mood really is so much better if  she naps.  This nap time proved the same, only when I went in to check on her, I discovered a poop-tastrophy. I don't think anything more needs to be said about that.

After I cleaned up, Maddy and I took out the stroller and headed to the "Big Playground" about a mile away. There was a little kid birthday party in progress so lots of activity at the playground. Maddy had fun running around and playing on the swings.  

After dinner Maddy and I watched one "Dora" (her absolute fav!) and called it a day. 

Sunday morning we motivated early (I still don't know how Steve gets himself and Maddy ready and out the door with such efficiency every morning- I'm terrible at it!)  and headed out to run errands. When we got back, Steve and Andy had returned, and Maddy was one happy girl. 


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