Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Very COVID Birthday

Happy 9th Birthday!

A birthday for the books. On April 25, 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Maddy turned nine years old.  With Portland under quarantine rules, physical distancing of six feet mandatory, planning a meaningful birthday party took a little creativity.

We surprised Maddy with a revolving door of physically distanced visits from her best friends...starting with Alyssa, ending with Althea.  We set up the front yard with plenty of space between our visitors and us.  I made brownies for the event, wearing gloves as I prepared them.  Armed with hand sanitizer and sterilizing wipes, we were ready and armed against the virus.

The celebration was planned with a spreadsheet indicating times for each visit, and our friends arrived bearing Happy Birthday banners, gifts, well wishes and extending virtual hugs.  Maddy kicked around a soccer ball with her friends while the adults chatted.  I have to say, after over a month of quarantine, it was very nice to see our friends' faces.

Some day we'll look back on this with wonder.  

Physical Distancing Set-up


Mary and her daughter Alyssa

Henry and Jeff Caudill

Daynia, Quin, Wyatt and Brett Daby

Mariela, Jon, Eva and Wilson Daby

Eva and Wilson


Christy, Lu and Andy Sweany + their fish

Melissa, Eric and Althea Gregorich

Kieran, Brendan, Riley and Megan Flynn

Happy girl.
One happy girl.

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