Thursday, February 23, 2017

Welcoming the New Year

Happy New Year!
And just like that, another year was over and we welcomed in the new one.  2017 began with a sleepover at Eric, Melissa and Althea's home and a night out at a show (Fruition).  We had a great time and it was good to get out and see music with friends!

In December and January Portland had a crazy amount of snow and ice- so much that we ended up having TEN snow days overall.  Sheesh. It was hard to get work done with a little peanut running around the house but we managed to get through it!  And we had some fun in the snow, too.

So far we've been playing, hanging out with friends, hosting sleepovers and sending Maddy off to sleepovers, warding off colds, avoiding watching too much political news, reading the series The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, watching Trolls, laughing at Maddy's antics (or Steve's or mine) and enjoying the occasional fire in the fireplace.

Maddy's enjoying her kindergarten class, classmates and teacher (Miss DeVille), Y-Care friends and "teacher" Miss Heidi, gymnastics with Carson (from ChildRoots) every Sunday and swimming twice a week.

We keep busy with fun activities and overall, it's been a good start to the year for our family!

Portland Snow Day!

Little Snowman!

Me and Maddy
My Little Angel

Little Reader

Sleepover at the Sweanys

New Year's Concert

Maddy and Lu play Calico Critters
Maddy's new purse to color

Making a Swing for Jingles' Playground

Sushi for my birthday!  Yummmmmm!

Henry and Maddy

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