Thursday, December 22, 2016

Santa-land at Macy's

Santa and Maddy

This year we captured the obligatory Santa photo at Macy's on an icy Portland afternoon. 

An ice storm created slick conditions, so Steve, Maddy and I donned our winter gear and bussed downtown rather than drive. I strapped my "yak trax" to my boots (steel traction device- like chains for your feet!) and they worked very well on the ice, so Maddy walked with me. We made our way downtown where Maddy and I had haircuts, then we all walked to a comfort-food-filled restaurant called Mother's for dinner. Happily all the ice was cleared from downtown sidewalks which made the going much easier.

After that our family trekked to Macy's Santa-land where Maddy hesitantly told Santa she wanted Calico Critters for Christmas, and sat in front of the big guy for a quick photo. 

It was a successful outing and we made it home through the ice without a hitch.

Maddy's getting so tall!

Santa Land

Macy's Train
Our Poor Tree during the Ice Storm
After the Thaw - the Tree is Back Together!

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