Monday, March 7, 2016

Sports, Sports, Sports, Sports!

Soccer and swimming are Maddy's current sports loves. Soccer classes are Saturday mornings and swimming Sunday evenings, both at the East Portland Community Center.  

Coach Alex leads Maddy and the other kiddos through warm-up, drills (starting to focus on offense vs. defense), and Maddy's favorite: kick the coach, where the kids try to hit the coaches with the ball. I think Maddy has a little crush on coach Alex, so she's doubly excited to go to class. 

Maddy's swimming teacher this time is André and she's made a lot of progress this session! In order to graduate from pre-penguin level to pre-otter, Maddy needs to be able to back float on her own and front glide for 5 feet. She's got these skills down and will move on to pre-otter! Hooray! We are excited for this summer and more swimming adventures for our family.

Front Glide with Teacher Andre
Back Float

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