Thursday, October 22, 2015

Little Swimmer

I had a proud mom moment (several actually) on Sunday October 18, 2015 when Maddy began swim lessons again. Her class is a repeat of "pre-penguin" which she did not pass mainly because she would not put her face in the water. We told Maddy she would need to master this to pass to the next level. All summer when swimming with me and Steve she resisted practicing this skill, but once class started her reservations seemed to disappear. She was a true champ, listening to teacher Nate and performing the tasks very well! After class teacher Nate told me she's doing really well.

When leaving class I asked Maddy what had changed- how was is that she put her face in the water so well now? She responded: I just made a decision. I decided to put my face in the water and to listen to my teacher.

Well done.

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