Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter Weekend, starting with a play date on Saturday at Maddy's friend Carson's home.  Maddy, Steve and I had made Easter cut-out cookies including hopping bunnies, bunny heads, flowers and letters (C for Carson, J for James - Carson's brother, M for Maddy, Marnie and Malena - Carson's mom, G for Graham - Carson's dad,  and S for Steve) and we brought them over as a treat.  Maddy, Carson and James played and played downstairs, and Steve and I had a nice time catching up with Malena and Graham.

That afternoon we also decorated eggs, which was lots of fun, then Maddy extended play time by experimenting with the colors and using her science kit once again.  A budding scientist perhaps?

On Easter Sunday Maddy hunted for the hidden eggs, which she found pretty quickly with very little help this year (Easter Bunny may need to hide them better next year!) as well as her Easter Basket, mine and Steve's.  Lots of goodies, and Maddy also received play-doh, a Frozen coloring pad and a princess kitty in a purse, which she named "Princess Kitty Peanut".

We went to brunch at the Holiday Inn in Wilsonville, OR, where there was a nice buffet, an Easter Egg hunt for Maddy (= more candy) and the Easter Bunny made a showing as well.  Steve asked Maddy if she thought it was the "real" Easter Bunny and she said no - she thought it was a bunny dressed up as the Easter Bunny...until she saw skin between the Bunny glove and the rest of the bunny suit...then she decided maybe it was a person pretending to be the Easter Bunny.  Can't pull a fast one over on that girl!

After a bit of rest time, Ray and Marcia Brown (Christy's parents) and little Luella joined us for Easter play-time and dinner.  Christy and Andy were vacationing in the Bahamas celebrating their 10 year anniversary (congrats again!) so Ray and Marcia were in town from Iowa caring for Luella.

We made ham, the Faust family special: mustard ring, scalloped potatoes and rolls, and Ray and Marcia brought jello salads which were a delicious addition!  After dinner we had more Easter cookies for dessert.  We all enjoyed the yummy food, good company and lots of play time for Maddy and Lu.  Best game of the evening: Maddy and Luella ran to Maddy's room and we decided on an animal, then Maddy and Luella ran into the living room where Ray, Marcia and Steve awaited the animal role play...lots of fun guesses before choosing correctly!  Luella and Maddy even created an octopus by sitting back-to-back on the floor and waving their arms and legs.  FUN!!

Easter Cut Out Cookies!

Looking for Eggs and Easter Basket

Found the Eggs!

Found the Easter Basket!

Mommy and Maddy

Daddy and Maddy

Luella, Ray and Marcia joined us for Easter Dinner
Happy Easter!

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