Monday, July 14, 2014

Sunset at the Zoo

The first Sunset at the Zoo event was last Wednesday,July 9, 2014. I picked Maddy up at school a little early and we met Steve at a parking garage near his work so we could hop the train to the zoo. Maddy loves taking the train and it's a lot less hassle than fighting traffic and trying to find parking- especially on a night with a Zoo event.

Maddy already had face paint from school so she was ready to go! We got to touch some reptiles: a skink and another lizard, but had to refrain from touching the boa constrictor because Madeline had just finished a snack. (That rule made a whole lot of sense to me!). There were craft stations set up, and Madeline made herself a green "ticket" with animal stamps which is still hanging on her bedroom door. We listened to live music set up at stations around the zoo, enjoyed a picnic dinner, saw some animals and had an all-around pleasant evening!

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