Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Latest and Greatest

Here's what Maddy has been up to lately:

- Making up songs- especially about her "friends" (stuffed animals/dolls).
- Changing Rosie's clothes. 
- Trying to listen to her body and not have too many potty accidents (still a struggle).
- Playing with her friends at school, starting to role-play.
- Pretending to cry- then laughing hysterically.
- Pretending to be any sort of baby animal (Steve and I play the Mommy and Daddy animals).
- Still loving Dora, and now Curious George, Sesame Street (Elmo, anyway) and Blues Clues too.
- Checking in with others when they are sad or hurt.
- Anti-naps.
- Loving most types of food but not greens or tomatoes .
- Saying "I love you to the moon and back! Goodnight!" three times before we leave her room at bedtime.
- Snuggling on my lap while watching Dora.
- Pillow forts and pillow trains on the couch.
- Telling me and Daddy: "I'm a big girl but I'm still a little peanut!"
- Speaking/singing gibberish.
- Singing: wibbely wobbely woolbox, the elephant sat a toolbox...picking new words to rhyme with...over and over.
- Wanting to do things herself.
- Still "helping" me with my makeup (Maddy sits on the counter and I tell her the shape, color and size of whatever I need next).
- Smiling the prettiest smile ever.
- Knowing just when to say "I LOVE you Mommy/Daddy!" to make our hearts melt (especially if she's done something to frustrate us).
- Loving her books (especially library books!)
- Dance class with Karina.
- Telling jokes and making me and Steve laugh at her silliness.
- Enjoying the ChildRoots birthday season (all her little classmates are within three months of age- so it's party central around here).
- Piggyback rides with Daddy.
- Making me smile every day!

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