Friday, May 30, 2014

Springtime Fun

Enjoying the flowers in our yard
With all the events lately it's hard to know where to begin!  Maddy loves playing with her friends and she's had ample opportunity to do so lately. From park-time with Luella, to adult and toddler birthday parties, we have had lots of social time.

The flowers are in full bloom and the sun has started to shine brightly more often, and we've been enjoying both the bright colors and warmth of springtime here in Portland. It's been fun to watch the flowers in our yard emerge for the first time as we've just now been in our home for a year.

Madeline is growing up so fast and we continue to enjoy each stage of her toddlerhood as it comes. Some milestones lately include first pedicure and first sleepover!  Maddy spent the night with the Brendan, Megan, Riley and Kieran Flynn and Wilson and Shana were there too!  I doubt she missed us at all, with the "make-your-own-pizza party", backyard fire, roasted marshmallows and blueberry pancakes in the morning!  Megan told us that Maddy and Kieran had lots of fun playing together and even got out of bed and played after bedtime (Maddy thought this was hilarious)!  Steve and I also enjoyed that night, going out with friends to see some music and both of us got to sleep in the next morning (heavenly!)  It was definitely a win-win.

The Sweany's invited friends over for a back yard happy hour last weekend, and Maddy and I had a great time hanging out, playing, and catching up with our friends.  Steve was in New York visiting his brother Tom and Susan (his brother Jeff went as well) and cheering the Portland Timbers to victory against the New York Red Bulls (soccer). 

We are approaching the end of the ChildRoots birthday season with only one more party on the books, but Maddy certainly has enjoyed all the play time with her friends/classmates outside of school (not to mention all the cupcakes!) Some of the photos below are from Maddy's little buddy Carson's birthday party at the Oregon Rail Heritage Museum, complete with snacks, cupcakes AND a train ride!

Maddy and Luella at the Park

Ropes help while learning how to pedal!

Maddy and Luella = buddies!

New "Big Girl" Dora & Boots bedding

Since Mommy got a pedicure, Maddy deserved one too!

First Sleepover! (At the Flynn's)

Marnie reading I Lost My Tooth in Africa to Maddy's class at ChildRoots

Maddy and Olivia

Althea having lots of fun at the Sweany's!

Trains!  (Oregon Heritage Rail Museum)

Carson's birthday party

Carson and Malena with Daniel, Madeline and Jack

Fun on the train ride

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Latest and Greatest

Here's what Maddy has been up to lately:

- Making up songs- especially about her "friends" (stuffed animals/dolls).
- Changing Rosie's clothes. 
- Trying to listen to her body and not have too many potty accidents (still a struggle).
- Playing with her friends at school, starting to role-play.
- Pretending to cry- then laughing hysterically.
- Pretending to be any sort of baby animal (Steve and I play the Mommy and Daddy animals).
- Still loving Dora, and now Curious George, Sesame Street (Elmo, anyway) and Blues Clues too.
- Checking in with others when they are sad or hurt.
- Anti-naps.
- Loving most types of food but not greens or tomatoes .
- Saying "I love you to the moon and back! Goodnight!" three times before we leave her room at bedtime.
- Snuggling on my lap while watching Dora.
- Pillow forts and pillow trains on the couch.
- Telling me and Daddy: "I'm a big girl but I'm still a little peanut!"
- Speaking/singing gibberish.
- Singing: wibbely wobbely woolbox, the elephant sat a toolbox...picking new words to rhyme with...over and over.
- Wanting to do things herself.
- Still "helping" me with my makeup (Maddy sits on the counter and I tell her the shape, color and size of whatever I need next).
- Smiling the prettiest smile ever.
- Knowing just when to say "I LOVE you Mommy/Daddy!" to make our hearts melt (especially if she's done something to frustrate us).
- Loving her books (especially library books!)
- Dance class with Karina.
- Telling jokes and making me and Steve laugh at her silliness.
- Enjoying the ChildRoots birthday season (all her little classmates are within three months of age- so it's party central around here).
- Piggyback rides with Daddy.
- Making me smile every day!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Third Birthday, Maddy Rose!

Happy Birthday!

Maddy celebrated her third birthday in style and I do believe enjoyed every moment of it! Grandma Jan and Grandpa Mike Faust were in town to celebrate the occasion and we all had a wonderful time!  On Thursday April 24, 2014, we started the day by going to ChildRoots for Maddy's Birthday Circle.  We brought in some photos of Maddy from birth to present time for her classmates and teachers to look at, and the class sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Afterwards, Steve headed to work, but I had the day off, so Mike, Jan, Maddy and I went to Cadillac Cafe and enjoyed a very yummy brunch.  We then went to Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) to the children's area and Maddy had a great time running around and playing. We even ran into one of her classmates who wasn't in school that day.

Friday April 25, 2014 was Maddy's actual birthday and we started our day at Cafe au Play.  Our friends Christy and little Luella also met us there, and we played and listened to Talula's Dad, a local children's musician.  That night we had birthday tacos for Maddy (one of her current favorites) and pink confetti birthday cake (she specifically asked for pink frosting with sprinkles). As you can see from the photo above, she was thrilled with her cake! She also opened her birthday presents from us and from Grandpa and Grandma Faust and Grandmom and Granddad Sebastian (we were able to FaceTime with them!). Maddy's special gifts from us included her first necklace with a moon/heart charm that says "I love you to the moon and back" on the reverse, new rain gear, and a play tool set.

Sunday was Maddy's big birthday party at Kruger Farm and we invited Maddy's school friends and our circle of friends which also includes lots of kiddos.  We rented a birthday space inside due to rain, but we were lucky enough to have a break in the weather to go on our hayride! That was lots of fun for kids and parents alike and we were all happy for a little bit of sunshine to brighten the otherwise rainy day (with hail!) We had a farm scene birthday cake to go with the theme, complete with lego farm animals that Maddy can play with later.  Not only did the kids get to go on a hayride and play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, but they also got to sit on a real tractor, meet a very large pig and see where the chickens live.  It was a great party!

Maddy at her Birthday Circle
Maddy's Birthday Circle at ChildRoots

Birthday Pancake at Cadillac Cafe

Playing at OMSI (Science Museum)

Grandma Jan, Grandpa Mike and Maddy at Cafe au Play
Farm Scene Cake
Bhavna & Rohin - on the Hayride!

Maddy and I meeting the very big pig
Greta & Maddy
Carson & Maddy
Steve, Luella, Christy and Maddy
Maddy & Luella

Pink Crocodiles!