Sunday, January 19, 2014

Christmas at the Faust Home

Time to hang the stockings!

This year the Madeline, Steve and I stayed in Portland for Christmas.  Although we knew we would miss our parents and siblings (and their families) we were looking forward to our first Christmas in our new home!  Steve and Maddy hung the stockings by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there!  We had so much fun getting ready for the big day and enjoying the season.

On Christmas Eve we had a fantastic dinner of barbequed ribs, roasted carrots and red potatoes. After dinner, Maddy got into her Santa Jammies and we ate Christmas cookies while opening presents from family and from each other.  Maddy really got into opening the gifts this year and had lots of fun tearing off paper.  She helped me and Steve too!  We received such wonderful, thoughtful, generous gifts from everyone - thank you all so very much!

Before Madeline went to bed on Christmas Eve, we put out cookies and milk for Santa Claus and carrots (fancy ones since we had roasted carrots as part of our dinner!) for the reindeer.  Maddy was so excited to leave out the treats for Santa and the reindeer!  She also drew a picture on her new Etch-a-Sketch for Santa (a picture of Santa himself) and she left it out for Santa to see. I read "The Night Before Christmas" to Maddy at bedtime and that made both of us very happy.

Christmas morning, Madeline woke up, and came to Steve and my room as usual (Mommy, Daddy, I have to go pee!), and I climbed out of bed to escort her to the bathroom.  I tried to usher her in, since I had a feeling Santa had come during the night and I wanted her to use the potty before hi-tailing it into the living room...
She did see something out of the ordinary in the living room (what's THAT, Mommy?) but we made it to the potty in time, regardless (with a little insistent direction on my part).  Then, with Steve joining us, we went to the living room to see what surprises Santa brought for us all.  The biggest surprise was a new TENT for Madeline!  It was a "Safari Tent" with a tunnel extending from it.  She was very excited about this surprise!  She also was so happy to see that Santa and the Reindeer had eaten the cookies and carrots (mostly!) and drank the milk...AND Santa even left her a note on her picture!!
Santa also brought me and Steve a couple of gifts and also a new TV for the kitchen.  We were all very happy!  Thanks Santa!

Safari Tent from Santa

Look!  The cookies, carrots and milk are all gone!

Santa left a note on Maddy's picture of him!

Checking the stockings

Happy Maddy in her tent with Rose, her new doll
Yummy Eggs Benedict for Christmas breakfast

Our friends Eric, Melissa and Althea, Jeff and Andrea, and Shanna and Wilson joined us on Christmas day/evening to celebrate Christmas with appetizers, dinner and games.  Dinner was a joint effort with Steak tenderloin and lefse provided by us our friends providing most everything else including smashed sweet potatoes, braised Brussels sprouts, potato casserole, pomegranate relish and Christmas cookies and holiday ice cream for dessert (along with a game of "Taboo").  We had a fantastic evening with our friends!

Maddy in her Christmas outfit

Christmas with friends!
All set for Christmas dinner
Maddy and her new favorite - Rose
the new tent - with tunnel!
Steve and his "Nesting" Vikings

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