Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cookie Party 2014

Happy Cookie Party!

We had our annual Cookie Party this past weekend and it was a smashing success!  Lots of friends gathered at our home, kids decorated Christmas cutouts (read here: gobbed on frosting and heaped sprinkles), and a fun time was had by all.  We were more pressed for time this year so the cookie spread was thinner than in years past, but no one seemed to notice (we have kind friends).  Overall, it was wonderful spending time with our friends and catching up.

Each year I ask everyone to bring a food donation, and this year we collected three bags of non-perishable food items for the local food shelf.  It is nice to be able to give to those in need, especially during the holidays.

The Decorating Station

Cookie spread

Baking with Maddy - she loves sifting flour

Grama's Puffballs

Rolling out the cut-outs!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Seattle with the DeCock family again this year and had a fantastic time. We drove up to Seattle after work/school Tuesday arriving just after 8:00.  Dave, Jane, Kim and Riley had not arrived from Wisconsin yet, so Maddy, Steve and I settled in, then hung out with Chris and his boxer, Koda, for a bit before Maddy went to bed.  The plane from Wisconsin was delayed, so I also went to bed before their arrival.

It was great to see everyone in the morning, and after a short time, Maddy lost her shyness and showed her true silly Maddy colors.  Late morning we went to Snoqualmie Falls, where the waterfall was rushing due to high water levels/lots of rain.  Although there was flooding in the area, the upper viewing area was safe.  We went out to lunch afterwards then back to Chris's home.  Maddy absolutely loved hanging out with everyone. Maddy spent a good deal of time that afternoon giving away her stickers by sticking them to everyone's faces, thinking it was hilarious! Everyone was a good sport and accepted the face-stickers graciously. Later that night after Maddy went to bed, we watched a movie.

Thanksgiving was a very mellow day filled with appetizers, then the magnificent feast of fried turkey, gravy, lefse (made by me and Steve a few days earlier), pearl onions, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, salad and for dessert...pumpkin pie!  Everything was scrumptious. Sadly, I had to leave Thursday night and took a Bolt Bus back to Portland so I could work on Friday.  All went smoothly for my trip home.

Steve and Maddy spent one more day with the DeCock family, and it was dubbed "tickle day."  Maddy had made an agreement with Dave the night before: no more tickling Thursday night...but he could tickle her all he wanted the next day (I would have advised against this, but figured Maddy could learn this lesson on her own).  They had a great time, went to a mall with a carousel where Maddy rode a dragon, then Maddy and Steve headed back to Portland.   Overall, an excellent Thanksgiving holiday! Maddy  already asked if we can go back to Chris's house next year.

Maddy and Dave
Path at Snoqualmie Falls
Snoqualmie Falls
Maddy and Koda

Chris gets his stickers
Jane gets her stickers
Kim gets her stickers

Turkey Frying Crew

Maddy riding a dragon

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Letter to Santa

A couple of weeks ago, Maddy and I went shopping at a local mall and stopped at Macy's. It was still early in the holiday season, but there was a station set up for children to write a letter to Santa Clause so we took advantage of the opportunity. With a little help from Mommy, Maddy wrote and mailed her first letter to Santa.

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Back Float!

Maddy is taking swimming lessons again, only this time she is on her own in the pool with the teacher and her classmates.  She is extremely proud of this, and is very happy to learn more about blowing bubbles, floating and swimming.  Steve and I are also happy that she is learning and wanting to swim on her own as we're looking forward to lots of pool and lake swimming in the years to come.

Circle time: blowing bubbles

Trying out the kick board

Autumn Fun - Little Snippets

Our little Peanut

November was full of adventures and activities! 

We celebrated our friend Luella Sweany's 2nd birthday at the Vancouver Early Learning Center at the Vancouver Community Library.  It was an amazing place for kiddos to play and everyone had a great time.

Maddy finally got a haircut (she's happy she can see again) and since the salon happened to be in my work building, I brought her up to see my office!

We joined the crowd and bought Maddy the movie Frozen, which we watched for the first time. Maddy really enjoyed it (I will admit that I liked it too), and is now belting out the lyrics of "Let it Go" like the best of 'em.  She hasn't asked to watch it again yet...but I won't be too surprised when she does.

Maddy loves to help in the kitchen, whether it be baking, getting dinner ready, helping me with my coffee, or pouring milk into the cereal bowl.  She also loves to wear the new apron from Grandmom.

Steve and I enjoyed a wonderful date night while Maddy enjoyed a fun sleepover at the Sweany's home, with friends Olivia and Rohin and their families stopping by as well. 

Steve and I also took a night away to help our friend Brendan celebrate his 40th birthday at Silcox Hut up on Mount Hood (while Maddy's former teacher Ashley spent the night with her).  Nearly 20 of us made the trek up to the hut, accessible only by Snow Cat or Chair Lift.  It was a vey fun night, clear and cold, with amazing views (including one shooting star).  Fun times!

Luella and Maddy: Luella's 2nd Birthday Party

Maddy at Luella's party

Kieran and Maddy
Maddy's haircut!

Visiting Mommy's office
Loving Elsa and Anna from Frozen

Baking time!

Sleepover at the Sweany's: Maddy and Andy

Marnie and Steve at Silcox Hut: Mount Hood

Sunset on the Mountain

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Halloween 2014

Our Little Elephant

Our little Elephant had a ton of fun this Halloween! We went to our friend Shana's home for the festivities,and WOW, she wasn't kidding when she mentioned her neighborhood was known for this holiday! The houses up and down her block were all decorated, home owners were in full costume and kids were trick-or-treating EVERYWHERE! We headed out with the Daby and Flynn families as well as some of Shana's neighbors, and the Gregoriches also met up with us further down the street. The Flaby's stayed back at Shana's to hand out candy.

Maddy held our hands for the first two houses, and after that, no more! Our independent big girl insisted on walking up to each house on her own to say her Trick-or-Treats and thank yous.  The only exception was a house that had several gigantic moving spiders in the yard...Maddy wanted me to join her for that one!  Near the end of the evening, Maddy didn't even want to hold our hands walking down the street...luckily Wilson was around and offered to hold her hand! Holding a 7 year old's hand can be more fun for a tired girl.

Pirate Steve and Elephant Maddy

The gang - ready for Trick or Treating!

Pizza before heading out for candy!

Brett, Daynia and Wyatt - Star Wars Family

Althea and Eric = Dominoes!

Wilson and Maddy - Trick or Treat!

Our Pumpkins!

Pirate Maddy!

Monday, November 17, 2014

And While Grandmom and Granddad Watched Maddy...

Swamp Tour!

...Steve and I took a little trip to New Orleans with 16 dear friends, all to celebrate our upcoming 40th birthdays! All friends from college and/or high school, we descended upon New Orleans from Minnesota, Colorado, California and Oregon to catch up, reminisce and have an all-around good time.  Steve and I arrived early Friday morning, so we headed straight to Cafe du Monde for beignets and coffee.  We had time to spare so we took a carraige ride around the French Quarter, then stopped at the Carousel Bar for a Milk Punch (my mom recommended we try this drink!).  About that time our friends were starting to arrive, so we met up at Lafitte's (oldest bar in New Orleans).

Friday night we had a chef come to the Fleur de Lis Mansion (a bed and breakfast we rented for the weekend) and had a five course meal, featuring a crab and shrimp boil.  That night we headed out to the local bars.  Saturday we all went on a Swamp Tour, then to a nice dinner as a group (Colette's) and out again for the evening.  Sunday we walked around the French Quarter and that night headed to Frenchmen Street for dinner and music.  All in all a great trip with wonderful friends!

Feeding the Gator
The Swamp

Fleur de Lis Mansion - our home for the weekend
Hot Tub with Waterfall

Best Beignets!

Carriage Ride through the French Quarter

Enjoying a Milk Punch at the Carousel Bar

The Spotted Cat
Music on Frenchmen Street
Music on the Street