Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happy Times

So much has been going on this summer, it's hard to keep up!  In an effort to commemorate some events that happened, here's a recap post for the beginning of July. 

We had friends over to our house over the Fourth of July.  The weather was perfect for grilling and playing in the kiddie pool!

Kieran and Maddy - buddies!

Luella and Andy - my favorite achievers

The weekend of July 5 we headed to Seattle for Lisa and Nicole's wedding.  It was great to see Mike, Jan, Shelly, Jay and Chuck out on our side of the United States!  It was a beautiful wedding (congratulations, Lisa and Nicole!) and we had a wonderful time.

Sorry to the people who were actually playing Bocce

Nice grin, Maddy!

The next week we had a visit from Uncle Larry and Aunt Sue!  They took us all out to dinner (thank you!) and we had a great visit.

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