Sunday, April 14, 2013

M.S. Walk 2013

Team Kenneya 2013
Saturday, April 13, 2013 was the M.S. Walk.  My team, Team Kenneya, made our goal of $2,000.00 and I was able to raise over $1,150.00 this year!  It was a great walk, but a bit windy.  Maddy was pretty chilly by the half-way point, so we all took turns carrying her until the end.  She was a good sport and loved the extra attention from all our friends. Steve had a work event, so he joined us to meet up at the start, but was unable to walk the 5 km with us.  We missed him!  Thank you to our friends that joined our team: Melissa, Emily, Natasha, Eric S, Christy, Daynia, Eric G, Angie and Olivia.  Way to go Team Kenneya and thank you for your support. 

Daynia with Maddy in the home stretch

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