Friday, March 22, 2013

First Haircut

Okay, so it's hard to tell from my "before" and "after" shots, but Madeline's first haircut did improve the baby mullet hair she was sporting.  She was very well behaved (sat still...mostly) and enjoyed her time with Summer, my hair stylist!  Summer was great and her reflexes were quick, giving me peace of mind as she held the shears so close to my little angel's head.  All in all, it went very well!

The "Before" picture
The "After" picture

Here are a few of the pictures in between!  Maddy talked about her haircut (stating over and over "Summer cut hair") for the next week.  I'm happy it went so well and we can look forward to the next haircut adventure (considering her bangs still haven't grown in, that could be another year form now)!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Springtime, Drum March and Soccer

It's almost spring, and in Portland that means the flowers are starting to bloom, leaves are budding and it's getting a little warmer.  Madeline's school has three main events during the year, and on March 2, 2013 we had the annual Drum March. Families were invited to the school to see the children play together, sing together and wear (or not wear, as in Maddy's case) little flowery tiaras lovingly made by Krystal and Brittney, Maddy's primary teachers.  Tom and Susan were in town and joined us for the event, which included Circle Time with the kids, as you can see here.  Many of the kids were pretty shy but I have to say I was proud that Maddy let her true colors show!

 We also had the joy of seeing some songs, too, which was precious!!

It was lots of fun having Tom and Susan here!  We enjoyed some great dinners, lots of chocolate (thank you Susan!) and went to the season soccer opener - Portland Timbers vs. New York Red Bulls.  The game ended as a tie - so no hard feelings for either side. It was a great game too, and it's always fun to see the Timbers Army in action.

Maddy loves her Uncle Tom and Aunt Susan and she misses them, still asking if they really had to go away on an airplane.  Come visit again soon, Tom and Susan!  We love company!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Maddy, Madeline

As Maddy's vocabulary grows, we are also working on "who's who" in this great big world.  This includes asking Maddy who her friends are at school, making sure she knows all our friends' names and also making sure she knows that she is known as Maddy, Madeline, Madeline Rose, Maddy Faust, Peanut etc.  At school the teachers are also working on calling the children by their full names as well as first and last names. 

Madeline has been referring to herself as "Madeline" instead of "Maddy" the past couple of days...but she's also started to call me "Mommy-lin" and Steve "Daddy-lin" and her teachers are "Krystal-lin" and "Brittney-lin"...and it goes on from there!  She thinks it's pretty darn funny - first jokes??  Or maybe she doesn't quite get the full name/nickname thing yet.  Either way, Madeline Rose has been making us laugh a lot the past few days!