Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Year in the Life

Happy First Birthday to Madeline!

What better birthday gift than to begin the Madeline Rose blog?  I've kept a journal for Madeline's first year which provides much more detail, but we'll take a moment now to give some highlights.

Welcome, Madeline! Born April 25, 2011 
6 lbs, 2 oz and 20 inches long
  • Feeling very protective because Maddy was so tiny
  • Learning about each other  
  • Lots of time nursing 
  • Sleeping on my/Steve's chest
  • Tiny little cries
  • Grandmom and Grandpa Sebastian visiting and helping out A LOT - with first bath, tummy time, helping out around the house (and lots of great cooking!)
  • Lifting head up while on tummy
  • Starting to focus/track movement
  • Coos, grunts and squeaks
  • Using the baby sling 
  • Using cloth diapers (except at night or when out and about) 
  • Maddy sleeping in a co-sleeper attached to our bed
  • Reading books
  • Changing station downstairs (pack and play)

May 25, 2011 - 1 month old
  • First bottle (given by Steve)
  • New Mom's Group at Providence Hospital (good place to learn from a nurse and other moms!)
  • Learning the 5 S's (Shushing, Swinging, Swaddling, Side-Laying and Sucking) from The Happiest Baby on the Block (this works!!  Steve is really good at "shushing")
  • First smile
  • Mom/baby yoga classes (Maddy and I enjoyed this time out of the house together)
  • Aunt Mila visiting (with a great photo shoot!)
  • First time to the Rose City Festival/City Fair
  • Uncle Jeff and Uncle Tom visiting, trip to Hood River
  • First babysitter (Christy) so Steve, Jeff, Tom and I could go to the Timbers/Red Bulls Soccer game
  • Lots of babbling
  • Head control improving
  • Fussy at night - starting at about 5 pm.  Generally good-natured otherwise!
  • Going out to restaurants (Maddy sleeping through it!)

June 25, 2011 - 2 months old
  • Lots of vaccinations - the wide mouthed silence building up to a  big scream (but nursing had a great calming effect)
  • Head control improving
  • "Bum Lip" when about to cry
  • My return to work and Steve takes off 2 weeks to stay with Maddy
  • Favorite toy: "Mr. Whoozit"
  • Melissa taking care of Maddy for 2 weeks (we had three friends that had time off in the summer watch Maddy until "school started in September)
  • First Play Date with moms/babies we met at the Providence New Mom's Group 
July 25, 2011 - 3 months old
  • Christy taking care of Maddy for two weeks (long naps!)
  • Watching "The King's Speech" at Laurelhurst Park one night - Movies in the Park event
  • Finding hands
  • Full of smiles on the changing table - lots of coos
  • Whirlwind trip to Minnesota to meet ALL the cousins (Sebastian and Faust side - including brand new twin cousins!), visit Bayfield to see Great Grandma Shirley and the Bayfield family
  • Great traveler on planes!
  • First time having formula (freezer broke and we lost all my frozen breast milk)
  • Happy Hippo time (Hippo playland)
  • "Fake" sneezes (2 sneezes then a big sigh - very cute!)
  • Mandy taking care of Maddy for two weeks
  • Grandma and Grandpa Faust visiting and taking care of Maddy for 3 weeks while Steve and I worked
  • Steve and my first time away from Maddy to attend Eric and Melissa's wedding (Mike and Jan watching Maddy while we were gone)

August 25, 2011 - 4 months old
  • Mike and Jan cooking a lot (grilling) and trip to the coast (Depoe Bay) and renting a house for the weekend; first trip to the ocean
  •  Fussy at night (lots of use of the 5 S's)
  • Using the Baby Bjorn
  • Finding her tongue and making funny faces
  • Practicing rolling over
  • First laugh (cleaning her neck must tickle!)
  • Favorite toys: "Mr. Whoozit" and "Mr. Monk" the monkey toy that jiggles
  • Sleeping though the night consistently
  • Starting "school" at ChildRoots (teacher = Krystal)
  • Getting into the school routine (Steve drops Maddy off, I pick her up and walk home with her in the Baby Bjorn) - ChildRoots is 11 blocks from our house
  • Lots of drooling
  • Staring at her hands
  • First class photo
  • Me learning that complicated dinners are hard to make unless both Steve and I are home (how do single parents do it??)

September 25, 2011 - 5 months old
  • Sleeping in crib instead of co-sleeper (Maddy's big move into her own room!)
  •  Bonding with her teacher Krystal at school and first Fire Drill (the teachers put on "Baby Smocks" with big pouches - 2 babies in front and 2 in back!!)
  • Finding her feet
  • Pterodactyl noise
  • Steve tickling Maddy to make her laugh (not too many laughs yet)
  • Maddy playing in the "activity seat"
  • Still swaddling before sleep
  • Lifting up while on her tummy and "falling" over onto her back - rolling over! (not from back to tummy yet though)
  • First fever/first time thinking Maddy was teething (wrong)
  • Lots of babbling
  • Laughing at random things 
  • First time using the nasal aspirator

October 25, 2011 - 6 months old
  • Baby sign language class
  • First Halloween (Costume = Owl!)
  • Starting solids (rice cereal didn't go well, but oatmeal did!)
  •  Starting to sit for short periods  (but can't get into sitting position on her own)
  • Eating sweet potatoes (we made all the baby food for Maddy)
  • Morning and afternoon naps - bedtime 7:30
  • Uncle Joel, Aunt Silver and cousin Anali visiting for Thanksgiving and Maddy playing with Anali's hair and loving it (maybe jealous because she doesn't have hair)!
  • First trip to the Children's museum
  • Uncle Joel, Aunt Silver and Anali giving Madeline "Clicker Clacker" caterpiller toy - which became her favorite toy 
  • Moving objects from one hand to the other

November 25, 2011 - 7 months old
  • First Parent/Teacher meeting for me and Steve
  • Drinking from a glass
  • Rolling over from back to tummy
  • Cutting back on my annual Cookie Party (but it was lots of fun making it more kid-focused this year - having the kids decorate cookies)
  • Trip to Minnesota for Christmas
  • Kicking legs and really happy when she knows she's going to be picked up
  • Hugging 
  • Crying at bedtime (learning to let you get yourself to sleep) - not easy!
  • First time really sick - with pneumonia - while in Minnesota (Steve sick too!)
  • First time seeing snow 
  • Seeing lots of friends/family in Minnesota/Wisconsin
December 25, 2011 - 8 months old
  • First Christmas!
  • Trip to the Emergency Room in Minnesota (febrile seizures due to high fever - she was okay, but scared me and Steve a lot)
  • While sick, Maddy was very needy, only wanting me or Steve
  • Lots of sicknesses between me, Steve and Maddy (we were warned this would happen Maddy's first year in childcare - it proved true!)
  • Overcoming stranger danger (once she felt better!)
  • Lots of rolling to move around
  • Sitting for periods of time (but still can't get into sitting position)
  • Favorite toys: Clicker Clacker and Snowman (lights up/changes colors)

January 25, 2012 - 9 months old
  • Generally happy, personality starting to show more
  • Independent play, entertaining herself - only crying when she needs something
  • Babbling (da da da, ma ma ma)
  • Play dates with friends
  • "Swimming" (army crawl while on tummy - kicking legs, rocking from side to side and reaching forward one arm at a time - it looked like she was swimming on land!)
  • Standing for a short period of time while we hold her arms
  • Bath time - loves rubber ducky, cup and plastic keys in the bath (sometimes Steve or I take a bath with Maddy - she loves this!)
  • Trying more pureed foods
  • Sitting for the first time (getting into sitting position)

February 25, 2012 - 10 months old
  •  Pterodactyl noises
  •  Dancing while sitting (tummy bounce)
  • Clapping with open hands
  • First time bit by a friend at school (nothing major but did cause a nice bruise!)
  • "Singing" - la la la la la la la
  • Crawling (and the baby-proofing begins in earnest - and we wonder why we waited so long to get this done?)
  • Independent play
March 25, 2012 - 11 months old

  • Crawling - faster now
  • Blowing kisses (The first few times she did this, Steve and I weren't sure what she was doing but then her teacher told us they taught her to blow kisses - priceless!!)
  • Waving hello and goodbye
  • Kissing us (and friends!)
  • Mimicking us
  • Sneezes that end in raspberries
  • Pulling to standing
  • New dance: full body twist (while sitting) side to side (including head) - nearly falling over
  • "Vibrating" - arms out straight with balled fists - body shakes (vibrates) with head cocked, then a big smile.  She does this to make us laugh!
  • Peek-a-boo on the couch (Maddy stands on the couch, looking over the back of the couch while Steve or I hide behind it, popping up in different spots saying "peek-a-boo!"  Maddy LOVES this game and squeals with laughter!)
  • Turning pages in her book Night-Night Sleepyhead
  • Starting to eat more solid foods (small pieces or mushy foods)
  • Signing for "all done", "milk", "more", "eat"

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