Monday, November 19, 2012

Love of Reading

We are happy that Madeline has discovered her love of books at such an early age!  Reading is a part of Madeline's daily routine, both at home and at school.  On Saturdays we've been going to our neighborhood library for Story Time and we have so much fun!  Here's a look at Maddy "reading" on her own (she's saying "butterfly" among other things).

Reading and practicing Baby Signs

Green Eggs and Ham!

Happy little reader!

Enjoying a library book

Monday, November 12, 2012

One and a Half Years!

What they say is true...time really does seem to fly when you have a little one.  Madeline is 18 months old now, that's one and a half for those of you who wonder why parents insist on counting age in months (I did, but now I get it!)  Steve and I have been pretty good about living in the present with Maddy and enjoying each day and each stage with her, but even still, it's hard to believe how big she's getting!  We just had her 18 month check-up (length - 30 inches, weight - 21 pounds) and although she's still pretty small (15th percentile - but up from 4th percentile!) she's doing great.   Maddy had a rough time with her vaccinations this round and developed a fever the day after and her legs were really sore from the injections.  It took two days for her to recover, but she's back to her usual antics now! 

Here are some of Madeline's favorite things these days:

  • Singing "Row, Row, Row" (...your boat - Crocodile and Lion verses, especially when she has the hand puppets on each hand)
  • Singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
  • Singing "Open, Shut Them"
  • Singing "Wheels on the Bus" (see a pattern here? For each song, there are hand motions that Maddy loves!)
  •  Reading books (and just recently, ripping pages - which we are nipping in the bud!)
  • Getting chased, then tickled by Mommy and Daddy
  • "Da-do" (Baby Doll)
  •  Hiding with Daddy on the couch, then ROARING to scare Mommy
  • Pacifier - only at nap/bedtime now
  • Hat/Rainboots - to go outside
  • Playing outside, running up and down the sidewalk
  • Looking at trucks outside the window (we live across the street from the Whole Foods delivery area)
  • Looking through the grates between floors of our house - especially when Daddy or Mommy is on the other floor and waving
  • Signing to communicate - she does this well!
  • Making faces during dinner
  • Cheers! (during dinner)
  • Her teacher (Krystal) and friends at school
  • Coloring 
  • Playing her instruments (drum, maracas, whistle)
  • Story time at the library
We have so much fun with Maddy and it's nice that we're better able to communicate with each other.  Maddy has a potty in the bathroom that she sits on when she wakes up and before bed (we're not really potty-training yet, just getting her used to the idea at home) and she can tell us when she has poop in her diaper, which is nice for all of us.  She has the best smile and giggle and she likes to make us laugh.  She does have temper tantrums but they are pretty rare - usually when she's tired or frustrated.  All in all, she's a pretty spectacular little girl (in my humble opinion!) and we have lots of fun together.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Our Little Scarecrow!

Madeline had a very active Halloween this year.  Friday before Halloween Maddy's school had an event called the Lantern Walk at one of our local parks.  The park was very close to our friends Melissa and Eric's so we invited them to join us on our adventure!  The Lantern Walk began at 7 pm so it was very dark.  Each child received a lantern the kids had decorated at school, and we followed a path lit by paper bags with little lights inside.  Along the route, teachers from the school had "treasures" to hand out to the kids (pieces of cotton, cut up paper, string, etc.) and some teachers played musical instruments (ukelele, saxophone, flute).  At the end there was a fire dancer!  The kids dressed up in their Halloween costumes and seemed to enjoy the festivities very much.  Maddy had a good time, too, and was quite tired by the time we left.  We were glad Melissa and Eric could join us!

On Halloween night, we went Trick or Treating to our immediate neighbors homes.  Maddy was a pretty big hit.  We also walked over to our friends Jeff and Andrea's home to visit/trick or treat (only 5 blocks away) and they gave Maddy Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...which she wasn't so sure of at first, but once Steve convinced her to try one, she was hooked.  She kept asking for "more, more, more!"  I think we have a chocolate fan...she is definitely our daughter!!

Below are some photos from the Lantern Walk.