Monday, September 24, 2012

Fun at School - welcome to Toddlerhood!

Madeline's school is really good about sending photos, which I love.  It's as close as I can come to being a fly on the wall in her classroom! I love seeing how much fun the kids have, and seeing how much more they are starting to interact.  Maddy's now officially a "toddler" at ChildRoots, and with that comes more freedom...and adventure!  Here are some of my favorite new shots.

Sensory activity: Colored Ice
Playing in the Schoolyard

Group nap time

My happy girl!


Learning how the toilet works : )

New classroom  = new climbing structures

Bunny! (or, per Maddy: hop, hop!)

Playing with her friend Kai

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Look Who's Talking!

Our little Madeline has started talking!  She was already a whiz at her animal sounds but now she's learning "real" words and how to communicate.  We learned baby sign language (and they use it at her school) and have been signing with Maddy for her quite some time, and now she is putting the words with the signs (milk, water, eat).  She doesn't always use her words correctly, but hey, that will come soon enough!

At school, she learned to say "move back" when a friend gets in her space.  We were at a pool party for a friend's five year old this weekend, and Maddy definitely used "move back!" in the pool!

We've also been working on "please" as you can see here.